# Git Source commands
In order to login in Papagaio you have to add your Git Source using the command below.
papagaio gitsource [command]
Available Commands:
--agola-client-id string agola oauth2 client id
--agola-client-secret string agola oauth2 client secret
--agola-remotesource string agola remotesource name
--delete-remotesource true to delete the Agola remotesource
--gateway-url string papagaio gateway URL(optional)
--git-api-url string api url
--git-client-id string git oauth2 client id
--git-client-secret string git oauth2 client secret
-h, --help help for gitsource
--name string gitSource name
--token string token
--type string git type(gitea, github, gitlab)
Use "papagaio gitsource [command] --help" for more information about a command.
# Add a Git Source
To add a git source in papagaio using an existing Agola remote source:
papagaio gitsource add --name {gitSourceName}
--type gitea
--git-api-url {gitUrl}
--git-client-id {gitClientId}
--git-client-secret {gitClientSecret}
--agola-remotesource {agolaRemoteSource}
--token {papagaioAdminToken}
# Update Git Source
To update a git source
papagaio gitsource update --name {gitSourceName}
--type gitea
--git-api-url {gitUrl}
--git-client-id {gitClientId}
--git-client-secret {gitClientSecret}
--agola-remotesource {agolaRemoteSource}
--token {papagaioAdminToken}
# Remove Git Source
To remove a git source
papagaio gitsource remove --name {gitSourceName}
--token {papagaioAdminToken}
To remove a git source also in Agola
papagaio gitsource remove --name {gitSourceName}
--token {papagaioAdminToken}